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Toupim partner

Toupim partner

When women undergo chemotherapy, it quickly becomes apparent to those around them that something is wrong. We create a hairband from their own hair for these women. With this Toupim Own-hairband, women can look as much like themselves as possible again. This is a great support during a difficult time.

The choice to have
Our goal is for every woman to know that there are choices. The choice, for example, of a wig or a cap, but also the choice to save your own hair and make something beautiful out of it.

Your role
The challenge lies in timing: people are living their normal lives and suddenly hear they are sick. Subsequently, their hair may fall out after four/five weeks. During this short period, they may happen to hear about Toupim as an option to consider in deciding what to do with their hair. This is where you can play a role, because sometimes customers will come to you to discuss their hair loss.

Why would you be a Toupim partner?

Your client informs you that they are ill, a difficult moment for both of you. Your client feels comfortable with you and discusses their impending hair loss and possible solutions. She would appreciate it if you told her about the possibility of creating a solution from her own hair.

Ultimately, the choice always lies with the client, but offering someone this choice can mean a lot to them. For instance, if someone ultimately chooses a Toupim Own-hairband, you can also assist them during the process (for example, with cutting the hair).